Hand activities and exercises

Different grasps for different tasks - functional strength training  

The different ways the hands work together to grasp and manipulate objects

chuck-grip.jpg      raking-uses-power-grip.jpg

Scissor cutting: how the hands work together 

Cutting with scissors if a highly skilled motor activity that requires good coordination between the actions of the two hands, and requires many hours of practice to achieve the high level of skill required in school. In this blog I take a look at how the two hands work together to cut paper using a pair of scissors.

   cutting-straight-line-angling-paper-supporting-hand_1.jpg   4y-cutting-angled-line_1.jpg


Opening and closing screw top lids

For finger strength and coordination



Cutting paper with a pair of scissors

Graded activities for training scissor cutting, starting with short straight lines to complex shapes. 



Learning to pour water from a bottle 

 pouring bottle handle .jpg